The pier's pilings are failing and the only way to replace or repair them is to bring the entire pier up to current code standards. Plastic-wrapped, pressure treated pilings with cross bracing and higher rails are just a few of the requirements. This means replacing the pier entirely. Replacement requires a new permit and an engineered plan. Our Coastal and Housing and Community Development permits require us to build a wastewater system and restrooms/showers. To complicate things further, we have been informed by Marin County that they will not be approving any permits for us until we have our Coastal Permit requirements completed. With some luck, the Coastal Commission will a approve the wastewater system permit this year with construction to begin soon thereafter. We can't pay for a wastewater system and a new pier (We're honestly a bit concerned about just the wastewater system). Unfortunately the pier will have to wait. No, we're not happy about this, either.
There are grants available for public piers and we will be applying for them. We don't know how long it will take, but it is our hope that having a public agency involved will change the (for the better) how Marin County may feel about issuing a permit.
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